Tuesday, May 29, 2007

may 29

Today we started with mental math. Then we began to work on our Statement And Demand For Taxes…but then the fire alarm interrupted us, sadly. But once everyone got back to the class room we carried with what we were doing. We learnt how to calculate Total Portioned Assessment.
Total Port. Asses=total asses. X 45% (round to nearest 10$)

After that we Mr. Maxx found this nifty website http://www.gov.mb.ca/ia/programs/property_assessment/search_township_range.html. We got sidetracked a bit but it was fun. We then bought a house in Calgary. It was a nice place, few bedrooms, bathroom, generally a nice neighbourhood. We then used the TM and figured how much it will cost to buy in 25 years if mortgage rates were to go up and it came out to be around a million dollars. Wow. Kind of puts things in perspective.

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