Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tax Template
We started class to day with mental math. We then started doing are tax template. He then told us to due a question 5 on page 31 for homework. We are supposed do it on paper and not the excel template. We Got sidetracked again today with were we should park I know he wanted me to write something on the blog that happened in class but I forget what he said.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
may 29
Today we started with mental math. Then we began to work on our Statement And Demand For Taxes…but then the fire alarm interrupted us, sadly. But once everyone got back to the class room we carried with what we were doing. We learnt how to calculate Total Portioned Assessment.
Total Port. Asses=total asses. X 45% (round to nearest 10$)
After that we Mr. Maxx found this nifty website We got sidetracked a bit but it was fun. We then bought a house in Calgary. It was a nice place, few bedrooms, bathroom, generally a nice neighbourhood. We then used the TM and figured how much it will cost to buy in 25 years if mortgage rates were to go up and it came out to be around a million dollars. Wow. Kind of puts things in perspective.
Total Port. Asses=total asses. X 45% (round to nearest 10$)
After that we Mr. Maxx found this nifty website We got sidetracked a bit but it was fun. We then bought a house in Calgary. It was a nice place, few bedrooms, bathroom, generally a nice neighbourhood. We then used the TM and figured how much it will cost to buy in 25 years if mortgage rates were to go up and it came out to be around a million dollars. Wow. Kind of puts things in perspective.
Monday May 28, 2007
Today we started off the class with another mental math quiz. Some people learned that Gary Doer is the premier of Manitoba.
Then the rest of the block was working with our property tax template. Mr. Max was showing us the formulas to put in the template. It is a little confusing now, but once it is done it will be very useful.
Everyone should still be working on accelerated math, because the school year is getting close to an end.
Then the rest of the block was working with our property tax template. Mr. Max was showing us the formulas to put in the template. It is a little confusing now, but once it is done it will be very useful.
Everyone should still be working on accelerated math, because the school year is getting close to an end.
Friday, May 25, 2007
May 25th/07
Hey everyone, today we worked on our property tax templates, then if we were done we could do Accelerated math. At 11:45 we did Mental math. Mr max is also marking the wikis so cross your fingers. Then we finished mental math at 12:01 (im looking at the clock as i write this) And thats the end of the class. Hope you all got your Templates done.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
may 24
This class started off with mental math...
After we were done that we had to make a spreadsheet without any formulas. It had to be ready to put formulas in it. The format it had to be in is on page B-7 and B-9. Accelerated math should be worked on as usual.
After we were done that we had to make a spreadsheet without any formulas. It had to be ready to put formulas in it. The format it had to be in is on page B-7 and B-9. Accelerated math should be worked on as usual.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hey what is up block 3 applied math class! It is Captain Kolan speaking on a important news update.
Today May 23 we started off the class with a good old mental math, then we took a look at our camper question and learned the proper way to make the spreadsheet for it. I have to wait to put pictures on here, because Mr. Max had to leave class for a moment and I wasnt able to get any pictures of the formulas I apologize but I will get them as soon as possible.
I also found this game some of you might have heard of its kinda neat it asks you questions and you can never beat it or I couldnt anyways, try it out haha
I hope you enjoy,
Captain Kolan
Today May 23 we started off the class with a good old mental math, then we took a look at our camper question and learned the proper way to make the spreadsheet for it. I have to wait to put pictures on here, because Mr. Max had to leave class for a moment and I wasnt able to get any pictures of the formulas I apologize but I will get them as soon as possible.
I also found this game some of you might have heard of its kinda neat it asks you questions and you can never beat it or I couldnt anyways, try it out haha
I hope you enjoy,
Captain Kolan
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Well some how I got the shortest class ever to blog and after mental math we had about 20 Min's to work. We have a "buy a camper" question and it is due at the end of class. So it is a work period and I have no idea what to write about.
Preparing to Study: A Good Study Place
You need a good study place to be prepared to study. You should be able to answer YES to all of the following questions:
1. Is my Study Place available to me whenever I need it?
Your Study Place does you little good if you cannot use it when you need it. If you are using a Study Place that you must share with others for any reason, work out a schedule so that you know when you can use it.
2. Is my Study Place free from interruptions?
It is important to have uninterrupted study time. You may have to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door or take the phone off the hook.
3. Is my Study Place free from distractions?
Research shows that most students study best in a quiet environment. If you find that playing a stereo or TV improves your mood, keep the volume low.
4. Does my Study Place contain all the study materials I need?
Be sure your Study Place includes reference sources and supplies such as pens and pencils, paper, ruler, calculator, and whatever else you might need. If you use a computer for your schoolwork, it should be in your Study Place .
5. Does my Study Space contain a large enough desk or table?
While working on an assignment or studying for a test, use a desk or table that is large enough to hold everything you need. Allow enough room for writing and try to avoid clutter.
6. Does my Study Place have enough storage space?
You need enough room to store your study materials. Be sure you have enough storage space to allow you to keep your desktop or other work surface clear of unnecessary materials that can get in the way.
7. Does my Study Place have a comfortable chair?
A chair that is not comfortable can cause discomfort or pain that will interfere with your studying. A chair that is too comfortable might make you sleepy. Select a chair in which you can sit for long periods while maintaining your attention.
8. Does my Study Place have enough light?
The amount of light you need depends on what you are doing. The important thing is that you can clearly see what you need to see without any strain or discomfort.
9. Does my Study Place have a comfortable temperature?
If your Study Place is too warm, you might become sleepy. If it is too cold, your thinking may slow down and become unclear. Select a temperature at which your mind and body function best.
Having a good Study Place is important for good studying.
Preparing to Study: A Good Study Place
You need a good study place to be prepared to study. You should be able to answer YES to all of the following questions:
1. Is my Study Place available to me whenever I need it?
Your Study Place does you little good if you cannot use it when you need it. If you are using a Study Place that you must share with others for any reason, work out a schedule so that you know when you can use it.
2. Is my Study Place free from interruptions?
It is important to have uninterrupted study time. You may have to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door or take the phone off the hook.
3. Is my Study Place free from distractions?
Research shows that most students study best in a quiet environment. If you find that playing a stereo or TV improves your mood, keep the volume low.
4. Does my Study Place contain all the study materials I need?
Be sure your Study Place includes reference sources and supplies such as pens and pencils, paper, ruler, calculator, and whatever else you might need. If you use a computer for your schoolwork, it should be in your Study Place .
5. Does my Study Space contain a large enough desk or table?
While working on an assignment or studying for a test, use a desk or table that is large enough to hold everything you need. Allow enough room for writing and try to avoid clutter.
6. Does my Study Place have enough storage space?
You need enough room to store your study materials. Be sure you have enough storage space to allow you to keep your desktop or other work surface clear of unnecessary materials that can get in the way.
7. Does my Study Place have a comfortable chair?
A chair that is not comfortable can cause discomfort or pain that will interfere with your studying. A chair that is too comfortable might make you sleepy. Select a chair in which you can sit for long periods while maintaining your attention.
8. Does my Study Place have enough light?
The amount of light you need depends on what you are doing. The important thing is that you can clearly see what you need to see without any strain or discomfort.
9. Does my Study Place have a comfortable temperature?
If your Study Place is too warm, you might become sleepy. If it is too cold, your thinking may slow down and become unclear. Select a temperature at which your mind and body function best.
Having a good Study Place is important for good studying.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Today we started out by doing a homework check. Out of the 39 marks available we only got 9 all together so Mr. Max decided that he wouldn’t put it on our marks. After that he talked about how after growing older we were taught to be afraid to make mistakes.
After our discussions we went over the question we were supposed to do.

After our discussions we went over the question we were supposed to do.

The assignment that we were given today is due on tuesday at the end of the class.

Mr. Max asked me to include this definition-
Amortization- The gradual reduction of a debt by periodic payments over the term of the loan.
Amortization- The gradual reduction of a debt by periodic payments over the term of the loan.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
May 17th?
Today we did mental math, then we disscused the blog posts from the other day. The quad question is due tomorow and mr max should have posted it. So make sure you do the question!
Buy A Quad!
Your instruction is to come up with a solution for this problem...Use the TVM Solver, for the beginning of class tomorrow:
ex. Chuck needs a new quad. He secures financing at the local Credit Union for 7.5%. He will borrow the money for 24 months, and interest will be compounded monthly. If the quad, before taxes, retails for $11 398. PST and GST need to applied.
a) Calculate his monthly payment
b) Calculate his total repaid over the 24 months.
c) If he was able to put a down payment on the quad of $1000, how would this affect his monthly payment specifically?
ex. Chuck needs a new quad. He secures financing at the local Credit Union for 7.5%. He will borrow the money for 24 months, and interest will be compounded monthly. If the quad, before taxes, retails for $11 398. PST and GST need to applied.
a) Calculate his monthly payment
b) Calculate his total repaid over the 24 months.
c) If he was able to put a down payment on the quad of $1000, how would this affect his monthly payment specifically?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
South Side Team
TVM Solver...What is it? How does it work? Your submissions MUST be unique, and useful for the greater student body...
North Side Team
TVM Solver...What is it? How does it work? Your submissions MUST be unique, and useful for the greater student body...
May 16, 2007
Today we started class off by doing some mental math, and then we corrected the simple and compound interest questions. Mr.Max then showed us a way to use our calculators to solve compound interest, amortized loans, and payout annual ties, called the tvm solver. We were then given an assignment on teams to explain what it is, how it works, and why it is useful.
In a room full of 23 people, there is a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday.
apparantly this is true, i cant explain it but if you want an expanation go to...
In a room full of 23 people, there is a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday.
apparantly this is true, i cant explain it but if you want an expanation go to...
Clarification of JBomb's Earlier Post (Which is a great conversation starter, by the way)...

Funny how my comments might be viewed with a question mark or two (not to mention raised eyebrows)..if anyone read your post without a bit of context clarification on my part. I did discuss redundancy in education, but from a current methods perspective versus what schools look like even maybe in a dozen or so years....My point, to be clear, is that it is my opinion that my role as a classroom teacher will change dramatically during the course of the 20+ years I have left until my retirement. I really believe that things like internet connectivity are being taking for granted (good or bad), and that this connectivity will have serious implications for the delivery of (for example) secondary school mathematics content intstruction. My point was NOT that I'll be replaced by a computer or a robot (which I think is really silly), but that my role as a teacher is becoming less and less a "lecture/teach everybody the same thing" teacher, and more and more a "personal learning manager"...I see a future where younger and younger kids start to become more and more responsible for their own educations, by deciding what they're good at, what they love, and more importantly, what they need to get better at, and have a professional (like me) to interact with daily to build skills in a variety of areas to make our society / civilization better ....
Grandiose? Naive? Probably, but I'd love to have this discussion with students or anyone else for that matter........
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
May 15
The class began with mental math. After mental math Mr. Max went around the room and checked our simple and compound interest homework. Time ran out so he couldn’t go over the answers so we then just had the last 10 minutes of class as work time. We also talked about the redundancy of being a teacher now a days.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Compound Interest
Today was a short block class so we didn't do any mental math. Instead we started into Compound Interest. Compound Interest is a bit more complicated then Simple Interest, and if you are the one borrowing the money, it's not good! Unfortunatly the coursework drive wasn't working today so we didn't get to use some programs we normally would. Although these promgrams were not working Mr.Max showed us the difference between simple and coumpound interest.

As you can see compound interest is interest that is calculated many times (either re-borrowed or re-lent).

This picture shows how compund interest will add up to a lot more money very quickly.

This final picture shows the formula for compound interest. A is the amount of interest. P is the principal or amount invested. R is the interest rate. T is the time it is invested for, and N is the number of interest compoundings per year.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
May 10
We started math with mental math number 22
Max jumped us right in to Interest. We were given the task to find the definition of interest and we had to send them to his computer using Novel, we came up with quite a few definitions and the best one was: Money charged by a lender to a borrower for the use of his or her money. There is an interest formula called the simple interest formula I=(p)(r)(t) {Interest=principal*Rate*Time}. We worked on a spread sheet to lay out the formulas on simple interest formulas.

We got an assignment due for monday Pg E-9 Ex) #2; questions 1-11
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
So today we started out talking about if a lap top is a toy or a helpful device or an older lab top. Well I think it helps us out during class and we can learn a lot more with a lab top. We added on from yesterday class about the lap top. Here's a question for my classmates. Is a lab top a toy or is it a helpful device?
We didn't do any Mental Math today. For the rest of the class we work on are budget question's for the people who weren't done it and if you were done it, we worked on are Accelerated Math questions. If your all done that I don't know What you could work on. Ask Mr. Max what do to after your done.
So about the lab top thing. What would do if the school took all the lab tops away and computers? Please comment about those two question. Well I'm going to say if they took all of the lab tops away and computers we would all be sick of reading from text books. The teachers would be sick of teaching us stuff that we could of learned off of the web. That we could of learned from a computer. We also couldn't use the cool problems like Graphmatica etc. and we would have to do work by hand to. Hilary has a good point. If you hadn't read her blog go read.
Well I'm going to shut up now and do some of my own work and get caught up. So see ya.
We didn't do any Mental Math today. For the rest of the class we work on are budget question's for the people who weren't done it and if you were done it, we worked on are Accelerated Math questions. If your all done that I don't know What you could work on. Ask Mr. Max what do to after your done.
So about the lab top thing. What would do if the school took all the lab tops away and computers? Please comment about those two question. Well I'm going to say if they took all of the lab tops away and computers we would all be sick of reading from text books. The teachers would be sick of teaching us stuff that we could of learned off of the web. That we could of learned from a computer. We also couldn't use the cool problems like Graphmatica etc. and we would have to do work by hand to. Hilary has a good point. If you hadn't read her blog go read.
Well I'm going to shut up now and do some of my own work and get caught up. So see ya.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tuesday, May 08
We started off the day doing another mental math quiz, and then we started working on our budget case studies #1-#5. They are all due by the end of the class tomorrow, and you have to show Mr. Max each of them separately so he knows that you have done them right.
Mr. Max brought up a good point in class. Are laptops useful in class or not? I can see peoples reasonings for both points. Laptops can be useful in class by taking notes especially if you have bad writing. Another reason why they might be useful is if you didn't understand something, so you could look it up without even needing to ask a teacher. Technology is so big now that not too many people don't own a computer.
A Reason why laptops may not be useful in class is because of the distraction. Many students play games on them, meaning they aren't listening to what the teacher is saying.
I can understand why some people may think differently about this topic, let me know your thoughts on this subject by commenting to this blog.
Mr. Max brought up a good point in class. Are laptops useful in class or not? I can see peoples reasonings for both points. Laptops can be useful in class by taking notes especially if you have bad writing. Another reason why they might be useful is if you didn't understand something, so you could look it up without even needing to ask a teacher. Technology is so big now that not too many people don't own a computer.
A Reason why laptops may not be useful in class is because of the distraction. Many students play games on them, meaning they aren't listening to what the teacher is saying.
I can understand why some people may think differently about this topic, let me know your thoughts on this subject by commenting to this blog.
Friday, May 4, 2007
may 4th
Today we didnt do mental math, we started off by Mr.Max showing us some things to do to our spreadsheet. I cant really show on here what we did so if anybody needs to know just ask me cause i saved it. He showed us some vocabulary words to describe how often you do something. There is a list of them in blue writing right below this.
The wiki is due on monday and we should start working on the 5 case studies because they are for marks, accelerated math(obj.56) is also due monday so a guy could say we got alot of work to be doing.
The rest of the class we got time to work on whatever we had to do to get everything done.
And just to throw in a comment about the cell phones i dont think teachers could possibly ban them from school, kids these days rely on there phones for alot of communication so i figure as long as kids have friends they will have phones to beable to talk to eachother.

The rest of the class we got time to work on whatever we had to do to get everything done.
And just to throw in a comment about the cell phones i dont think teachers could possibly ban them from school, kids these days rely on there phones for alot of communication so i figure as long as kids have friends they will have phones to beable to talk to eachother.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
May 03/2007
Well today we were working on the budget thing. We were told to brain storm a bunch of household things that cost money per month. We came up with so many ideas it was crazy. Mr Max. tought us how to wor a budget on the spreadsheet. The big thing was that we have to pay attention on what he is doing when he is doing the spreadsheet. This is one of those times were we wroked on one thing all class. These days are actually good on short blocks. I think anyways what do you guys think??
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
May 2,2007
Today Mr.Max gave us a work period to work on our Wiki spaces and he also needed time to clean the room or he calls it "The Bird Cage" because he was teaching teachers today at noon. Our Wikis are due on FRIDAY at 3:40 and that means that your assignment is complete...done!!! Im having alittle bit of trouble on my Wiki because I dont really know how to start it, I wanted to look at last years Wikis but I dont know where to go for it so if any of ya guys know where to go please let me know...!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
It looks like my turn to blog today. We started the class off by mental math. Today was the last day of those green sheets so you had to turn them in.
For most of the class we learnt how to make a spread sheet on the income that a family would make in a year month or week. We didn’t really start any thing we just got or spread sheet ready for tomorrow.
Remember we should have 56 objectives done by Friday in accelerated math. Also the Wiki assignment in due on Friday May 4.
For most of the class we learnt how to make a spread sheet on the income that a family would make in a year month or week. We didn’t really start any thing we just got or spread sheet ready for tomorrow.
Remember we should have 56 objectives done by Friday in accelerated math. Also the Wiki assignment in due on Friday May 4.
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