Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Febuary 28/07

Not to sure about this helpful information but the work class is great helps us get caught up on accelerated math and the fact that you come help us when we need it is really good to there aint much else helpful stuff i can write, the internet is way faster that it was before good job big guy keep it up!

Test Feedback...

After listening to your disappointments yesterday...I thought I'd give you a place to commiserate together...Here's the challenge: I got the impression from you that you thought the test was too hard. That may be possible, although from my perspective as the class instructor, I actually thought that most of the questions were exactly what you should have been expecting.

Here are some more observations:

1. At least 4 of you didn't bother to create a formula sheet...?

2. There were plenty of blank responses on your tests.

3. As we progressed through the unit, I think I gave you plenty of opportunity to ask questions in class, especially as we got closer to the test itself...

Now back to the challenge...

Specifically, what did you do to prepare for the test?

and more importantly, specifically, what are you going to do to prepare for the next test?

and lastly, What constructive criticism do you have for me about your perceptions of the test?

Seriously, although I think this will be hard for you to do, feel free to provide feedback. You're my students, and believe it or not, I care about your progress and your success in my class...

Keep the comments constructive and not bashing, but share if you care to, and they will be posted.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Hello Fellow Classmates,

To start out todays class on Feb 26 we had a challenging Mental Math to get our brains working.

Mr. Max told us some of the test rules such as:

  • Blog is off limits during test

  • You can bring a full page formula sheet

  • No talking

  • No Cheating

  • No internet

  • No course work drive

If caught you get a big old ZERO and suffer the humiliation. After Mental Math and the test rules we started up our review for tomorrows test. We started out the review by looking back at how to maximize a boxes value, we used 2 different methods one on spreedsheets, and one on our calculator.

Then we had time to study, do questions, or accelerated math for the remainder of the class.

Something else everyone can think about doing is sharing some Educational Videos from YouTube or other video sites.

Hope my Scribe Was good.

P.S delaur you are the scribe for tomorrow.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Cubic functions 2

Exercise 2: cubic functions questions 2 and 3 are due for monday. Exercise 3 question 3 is also due.

Reminder to everyone...test on tuesday...good luck. Were aloud a 8x11 formula sheet... front and back if you want. We can use this for all tests.

We also did a bunch of random questions on rabbits breeding. so heres some pictures of how we figured out the problems.
The 3 questions mr max made for us were..
1)create an equation using regression to model the rabbit population over time.
2)How many rabbits would you expect using this model after one year?
3)If the rabbit population in the future is known to be 500 animals, how much time elapsed?
We used expreg for this problem.
you enter the table into the calculator. Then go (zoom) (9) after (on) your (2nd) (y=) stat plot. there are also ways like y=2.16*2.37^12 (the 12 is months.)
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Applications of cubic functions

Well we got into the class and asked Mr. Max who had the better beard him or ponty he rambled something about a dog fight and spit out the word moot.

Moot: arguable: open to argument or debate; "that is a moot question

Next he told us we were not going to do mental math today. I guess that was a good thing. Then he showed us how to center our posts.

Applications of cubic functions: ticky mark = feet, two ticky marks = inches

We then went on to see how big of a volume we could get out of a 4 by 8 chunk of metal. So if we took off 6'' at a time the greatest volume we can get is 12 cubic feet.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cubic Functions

Today in class we did a mental math quiz, looked at a question on our WSIBATD sheet,and then we learned about cubic functions.

(This picture shows that functions that the highest exponent value is negative, the ends of the graph go in different directions, and ones that the highest exponent value is even, the ends go the same way.)

These pictures show us what the types of functions look like, and give us some information about the domain and range of them. This picture is the question that we did on the WSIBATD sheet.

Don't forget about our homework assignment!

P.S. Goober you are the scribe for tomorrow.

How To Do Your Scribe Post

I've already given you all a hard copy of this, but I thought it might be useful for you to have it electronically as well...Remember, this is how you will be graded for your class contributions to our blog...

Scribing For Our Blog Rules:

The address for your class’ blog is one of these: (depending on what course you’re taking from me…

1. Scribe within 24 hours of the end of class, or forfeit marks for that entry (if I notice, and I probably will).

2. Scribe using the following as a guideline of “What SHOULD I include?”:

a) You MUST include, in your scribe post, ‘screen shots’ of relevant Notebook slides that I create during class, if applicable.
b) You MUST include, in your scribe post, links to relevant web sites, or links to files hosted on our network.
***c) Your job as the scribe post is to meaningfully CREATE and TRANSMIT a record of what was instructed in that particular lesson. Specifically, in the event that a student was to miss a class, and come to me and say “What did I miss?”, your scribe post should completely answer this request.

3. Scribe according to the ‘Master List’ posted in class…(according to alphabetic class list).

4. Scribe at least as often as when you HAVE TO, for the course requirement, but feel free to add to the blog anytime. My expectation is that everyone will post at least once more than they are supposed to…
5. The Blog is the online, electronic extension of our CLASSROOM. Our classroom is in a SCHOOL. As such, please use correct grammar, correct spelling and punctuation, and treat each scribe post as a significant hand-in assignment, rather than simply ‘going through the motion.’ Using language inappropriate for school, or anything that could be construed as violating our school’s Code of Conduct will be referred to the administration of SVRSS as a discipline matter. (i.e. Be nice, because if it’s on the internet, it’s forever!!!)

6. If the class that you’ve been assigned to scribe for is either: a work period, a sub day, a test day, or has something other than instruction going on, your task is specifically to share something meaningful, relevant, and ideally, that improves and / or enhances learning the course material in this course.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Febuary 20 2007

We started class with our second mental math test, it was decent. Max corrected it with us and gave us some tips to geting better at mental math. They really helped

Then Maksymchuk showed us a better way to upload images onto the blog by exporting the pictures right from his notebook. We finished the class by correcting number 10 on “What Should I Be Able To Do”

We have a test on Tuesday Feburary 27 on Non Linear Functions.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Today at the start of class Mr.M. handed out exercises to everyone. He checked our homework and that was What Should I Be Able To Do? Part A (1. d,e,f ) and Janes Garden Questions B and C. Then when we did Mental Math. Some rules we went over for mental math is no working out the problem on paper, no talking, no computers, no finger tapping, no calculators. Some tips for Mental Math is remember what we did yesterday and the days before and the hints he gives us.

Then we went over What Should I Be Able To Do? Part A(1. d,e, f ). We didn't look over Janes Garden because some people weren't done. These are the answers for 1. d,e,and f.
The we had work time on Exercise 1 page A-7 Questions 10,11,12,13, and to finish Janes Garden and Accelerated Math.

Feb 16

At the start of class we did a practice mental math. Then we #1.b on the "What Should I Be Able To Do" sheet.

To do regression we used linreg, quadreg and expreg. To find the R value from above hit the keys, stat calc then either linreg, quadreg or expreg. To paste it into the y= hit y=, vars, statistics,EQ,RegEQ then hit enter. The points that are in the statplot will now be on the graph. If they do not show up hit zoom 9. If they are still not there check to make sure the plot is on by going 2nd y= then turn it on.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Google Spreadsheets

As Jess made a point of referencing, I created a link in our links section at the very bottom of the blog page entitled Google Spreadsheets (& Documents)....Google has a free application that you can use instead of Excel if you like, if you have internet and a PC at home. If your home computer does have Office as a suite of programs, of course go ahead and use Excel, because that'll be more like what you see me do in class, but if you don't, Google Spreadsheets is pretty close...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Feb 15/07

Reminder to Mr. Maksymchuk
*make link to google spreadsheets

Today in math we learned how to use a spreadsheet to solve a quadratic function using Microsoft excel. We also worked some more on "complete the square". Below is a an example of the spreedsheet we did for exercise 1 question 9. and the solution for yesterdays homework question.

Solution for yesterdays question.

*Excercise 1.-question 9. Do (b and c) Due Feb 16/07
*Look at questions 1-7 from double sided handout
*Accelerated Math

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Feb 13/07

First things first here are a few reminders for you Mr.Max...

1) Mental Math
2) Write to
3) Make a link to
4) Link Accelerated Math to blog

And for everyone else dont forget to bring graph paper!!!!

At the beginning of class we went over our homework that we had the night before that was questions 6-8. Some people had trouble on number 7 so Mr. Max went over it and showed us 5 differant methods for figuring it out. He should us on the calculator, on Microsoft Excel, and Graphmatica.

This is a pic of how you can figure out number 7 on the calculator

After we went over number 7 we had went over number 8 and these are the notes from that

That was the end of our homwork..

We then did notes on Quadratic Function here they are...

After that we did that we did some vocabulary like vertex. The vertex is ordered pair containing the max or min y- coordinate, depending on the function. Here is a pic of how that would look

Here are some of the other notes that were done in class

Then we did an example question

That was bout our day in Mr. Max's math

February 14,2007

At the start of class we went over the booklet Blog Scribing in Room 204, to find out how to put screen shots on the blog. The procedure to do this is:
1) Go to My Computer
2) Go to the Coursework drive
3) Go into Max's Math Stuff
4) Go into second semester block 3 senior 3 applied
5) Find the picture you want
6) Copy it to paint, and save it
7) Go to your scribe, and click on add image
8) Browse for the picture you want

Then we learned about "completing the square." These are all the notes that Mr. Max gave us:

The screen shot above shows why you do completing the squares.

The screen shot above shows the steps of how to do completing the squares.

This screen shot shows the same thing, just factored out.

Sorry for this scribe being late, and everyone remember to always do Accelerated Math homework.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Its working

I found out how to make this thing work i found it finally

February 9th 2007

I'm really really sorry for this post being so late!! (technical difficulties)

BUT this was our first day of actual math learning, we started our first unit, "Non-Linear Functions." I'll put some notes and the pics in order of what we did.

Non-Linear Functions = graphable (in 2-D)
--> get a x - term +
Y term and assign
- passes the vertical line test

this screen shot was for some of the notes,
it shows you which is the domain & range
and how to put it into your calculator.

and after it is into the calculator how it
would show up in your graph. this screen
shot is basically showing you how many
different functions can be entered into
your calculator and cross the y-axis and
the x-asis. (below)

Examples many ways linear functions can
go through the X and Y axis.

an example of parabola!! (below)

p.s Mr. Max, get java on scribe post.
**Catch screen shots often!


Monday, February 12, 2007

Febuary 12th 2007

In the beginning of class we talked about what’s appropriate and what’s not to put on the blog. We went over some rules.
1. Scribe during the next 24 hours of class
2. Include: screen shots, links, and tell others in the class what you did
3. Use the masters list
4. Scribe as least as often as you have to
5. Use appropriate language and stay on topic
6. If you’re the scribe during a test day, sub day or a work class, talk about something meaningful that will enhance this class

Then we did a homework check on the homework we got over the weekend. Some people were having trouble with some questions so we went over some. We learned how to find the vertex.

Tracing: press 2nd then Trace, then press find maximum and go left and right of your guess. The calculator will tell you where the vertex is.


Read This!!!

If you're in my class, you should read this...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Did You Know video

So, What are your thoughts comments? As always, post and return often...

1. Video feedback?
2. What's it going to take?

If you missed the slideshow, you should watch it sometime HERE ...Big Thanks to Mr. Kuropatwa in Winnipeg, and Mr. Fisch in Colorado for really doing all the heavy lifting required to put these powerful shows together. (I'm only good at cut and paste so far, but I'm dreaming big dreams!)