Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 30
Our wiki assignment is due Friday, May 4th and Mr. Max has a challenge for us. For bonus marks or a credit of some kind we can put in multimedia of some kind such as video, audio, a powerpoint, slideshare, and etc....
Another thing that is due is our accelerated math, we have to be done up to 56 objectives by Monday, which is the end of the geometry unit.
Today was a work class to get caught up on all of our assignments, but one thing that Mr. Max did bring up was about the cell phone banning in schools.
In my opinion, I don't think that would be the smartest idea because as a student I don't think that many students would even listen to that rule. Teachers would just be getting frustrated all day about telling the kids to put away their phone. I know that I would probably still bring my phone to school even though they were banned. If anyone has any thoughts or opinions about this topic, leave a comment and we can talk about this subject more.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
April 26, 2007
There are a total of 7 circle theorems.
Other relevant information include the following. These are a few geometry words and there meanings.
Congruent: Same size and shape
Equal: Refers only to quantities or amounts (measurable by number)
Bisect: To divide into 2 congruent parts
Supplementary: To have a sum of 180*
Complementary: To have a sum of 90*
The homework assignment we were assigned is either do today or if you need the extra time you may hand it in on Monday.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
April 23,2007
Here are some definitions we are supposed to know…
Round- Spherical or Globular shape
Chord- A line segment that connects two points on a curve.
Diameter- the longest distance from one end of a circle to the other.
Circumference- the distance around the circle.
Arc- A portion of the circumference of a circle.
Inscribed Angle- An angle placed inside a circle with its vertex on the circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle.
Secant- a line going through two points of a circle and keeps on going
Central- in, at or near the middle
Segment- one of the parts of a divided area
Collinear- Points are collinear if they lie on the same line.
Congruent- Figures or angles that have the same size and shape.
Perpendicular- Two lines are perpendicular if the angle between them is 90 degrees.
Tangent- when a line touches a circle in a single spot
Equilateral- having all of the sides of lines even in length
Origin- the center of the circle
If you want any other words defined go to.....
it is very useful becase the terms are in "math language"
Here are some useful websites that can be customized to whatever you want and keep you updated. Just create an account.
7 Theorems
The day started out with Mr. Maksymchuk giving us an introduction to circle geometry, we watched him construct the 7 theorems on Euklid. Neat Stuff I tell ya!
Here is a look at Theorem 1
Theorem 2
If two angles inscribed in the same circle intercept the same arc, then the angles are congruent.
Theorem 3
If an inscribed angle and a a central angle in the same circle intercept the same arc, then the measure of the central angle must be twice the measure of the inscribed angle.
Theorem 4
If in a circle, a radius or diameter intersects a chord at a right angle, then chord is bisected at the point of intersection.
Theorem 5
If a line is tangent to a circle, then the tangent line is perpendicular to the radius/diameter at the point of tangency.
Theorem 6
If tangent lines to the same circle intersect at a common external point, then the segments created from the circle to the common external point are congruent.
If a quadrilateral is cyclic, then opposite angles in the quadrilateral are supplementary (have a sum of 180).
Those are the 7 Theorems we were told to know, I hope this post is helpful to everyone. Thankyou for your time.
Captain Kolan
Friday, April 20, 2007
Free Homework Check Marks
Please answer these questions...
1. What did you do this week without your teacher? (i.e. How much of the assigned work have you completed?)
2. What have you got left for homework?
Have a great weekend, folks...RM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Here are some website that might help you on your circle geometry:
there is a quiz on circles if you wont take it, on the link below.
Here is the link to the wiki assignment
Monday, April 16, 2007
April 16
We are going to have to teach ourselves Geometry using old notes from previouse semesters, and using the block 5 Wiki from last semester. To find notes from last semester go to my computer- course work- Maxs math stuff- block 5 senior 3 applied.
Max gave us our assingment for the week on geometry Theorems due when he gets back next wenesday.

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Canadian Food Grains Bank Presentation
The Canadian Food Grains bank was putting on the presentation. The guy spoke for a few minutes telling us how it originated and how it is currently being run. After he was done talking another presenter, Nestar, began to talk. She was born in Uganda. The area that she lived in has been experiencing civil war for the last twenty or so years. Many lives in Uganda have changed due to this. People have been taken from their homes in fear of the rebels. These people are put into IDP camps. The people in the IDP camps mainly rely on foundations like the Canadian Food Grains bank. Being taken away from their land and having few ways to make money, they need food from these donation groups.
Children in Uganda have it way harder then we do. They walk twelve kilometers, twice a day, to get from their home to where they must sleep. Kids must do this because if they don’t they may get kidnapped, and become sex slaves or rebel soldiers. The children here also may not go to school. This is because most families can’t afford supplies, and even the kids who do get to go to school don’t have good learning conditions.
Nestar also talked about how Uganda is only one of the countries that is like this. Many countries in Africa are like this, along with countries like Afghanistan that are troubled by war. She also talked about how our government has promised to help cut hunger in half by 2015, and since hunger is going up, encouraged us to talk to our government officials about this problem.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
april 10th
The question is :
Find the product (1-(1/2))(1-(1/3))(1-(1/4))....(1-(1/96))
Well it is simpler then it looks!!!
First: 1-(1/2)=1/2
If you didnt notice there is a pattern (1/2) x (2/3) x (3/4) x (4/5)...and it keeps going all the way to 1-(1/96) which equals 95/96. You can just eliminate the numbers all the way from the start of the question to the end so it everything gets cancelled out except for 1 on the top and 96 on the bottom. So the answer is 1/96.
If it is explained well enough then you can jsut ask me in person but i tryed my best to do it on here so i hope it helps.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
April 9/2007
April 9/2007
April 9/2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Work Day
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
April 4th 2007,
We then got into the work that was assigned to us yesterday
We continued linear Progamming and looked at some examples on the sheet that he gave us on monday.

He then showed us how to know which side to shade, by taking the original equation and choosing a point on the grid that isnt included on the line, the substitute the points in for x and y. After you have figured out the (?>=?) or (?<=?). If it is true then you shade in direction that you chose.

We were assigned #4 on page D-9 for homework tomorrow.
Dont Forget
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
inequality graphing
The picture below is the 2-D inequality graphing and also the graphing rules...

This is the 1-D number line graphing.. Mr. Maks showed us how to do them and how to figure them out on a graph with out using technology

You can do these kinds of questions of graphmatica, this is how it looks...

This is how you can figure it out just on paper and with this question we found out that "0" will not work because "0" is not greater then then 6... so then you would have to shade the boundary away from the origin

And this was the homework that Mr. Mak's had assigned us to do...

Monday, April 2, 2007
Test Day!
Well on the day I was supposed to scribe we wrote a test. It was a unit test on Systems of Linear Equations. As you all know on a test day you are supposed try to come up with something useful, and meaningful for our blog. In class we had a small discussion about whether or not homework over a break, such as Spring Break or Christmas Break, is worthwhile. Certain people have certain opinions about this topic. I searched the internet for some opinions, and here are some that I found.
The link above takes you to a site where a teacher has made a post about their preference not to give homework over breaks. The teacher backs this up by saying how most students do not do their work until the last minute, or even attempt their work. He also goes on to talk about how he himself doesn't like to do very much work over breaks himself, so how can he force his students too? Other teachers have commented with their opinions, along with some other interesting people who thought it was necessary to leave some pretty moot comments.
This second link is actually an article about a book that has been written about homework. It tells a little about the book and talks about too much homework possibly being connected to obesity, and a reason why kids are not as active anymore.
My final part of this post will be to leave you with this poll. The question is "Do you think the homework over a break is worthwhile? Please give me your input, and feel free to leave comments as you please, keeping in mind that this is a class blog and must be appropriate for school.
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Do you think that homework over a break is worthwhile?
view results ![]() |
Once again I would like to apologize to my classmates about this post being so late, but I hope you guys will take a look at it, and participate in the poll.
Monday,April 2
This unit is mostly going to be solving problems with skills that we may already know, but just improving on them.
To find the absolute value on your calculator, you press 2nd, then zero, and it is the first one on there-abs.
In graphmatica you just type in abs and put the letter or number in brackets.
On tuesdays Mr. Max is here until 4:30 for extra help if needed!
The objectives that have to be mastered are 32-45ish.